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A bracelet that measures how much you crap in a 24 hour period.

I just got a SHITBIT and was amazed by the massive amount of huge turds that I pushed out yesterday!

by Major Thomas March 15, 2018


The terrible experience of being sick in a hospital.

After my surgery I swore I would never go to a hospitaful again no matter what!

by Major Thomas May 19, 2017

Asademy Awards

The current state of the Academy Awards which has terrible ratings and is becoming less relevant with each year.

I tried to watch the ASADEMY AWARDS, but I really didn’t care who or what won.

by Major Thomas March 9, 2018


The inability to believe in information on Farcebook made the social media world confused and mislead.

The damage done on Farcebook was seen in the recent presidential election due to false information that was allowed to twist people’ vote.

by Major Thomas January 20, 2018

6👍 2👎

‘Pledge to Appeasement’

The pre-written garbage that some actual ‘Newscasts’ made their Anchors and Pundits pledge because they were being used as Puppets by our broken leader.

I have lost all hope for getting facts from most Television Newscasts after watching the Pundits say the same ‘Pledge to Appeasement’ like puppets.

by Major Thomas April 3, 2018


A current time anomaly that keeps the world looping back to 1972.

Even though I know it’s 2018... I feel like the infamous ‘loop’72’ has brought us backwards in time... to 1972.

by Major Thomas February 13, 2018

Rheborecal Question

A question that is so boring, uninteresting and obvious; that no one bothers to answer.

No one would answer his rheborecal question because it was so boring as to depress the group of people.

by Major Thomas June 10, 2018