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A Hindu nationalist subreddit that is more than willing to destroy democracy in India in favour of a Hindu theocratic government (something that would make Nehru spin in his grave, destroying what he worked to build).

Some of their favourite pastimes include: glorifying Hinduism, condemning liberals, vilifying Muslims, listening to Modi and BJP propaganda 24/7, and not addressing any of the real issues in India.

They’re also famous for making multiple logical fallacies and believing in them. Here are some examples

r/bakchodi: I’ve met some bad Muslims, therefore, they must be bad
Librandu: that’s an generalization, you haven’t met every Muslim in India.

r/bakchodi: why are you defending Muslims? Why do you hate India and Hindus?
Librandu: I never said that.

r/bakchodi: Those Muslims are violent. I was attacked by a Muslim once.

Librandu: that doesn’t necessarily mean that every Muslim will attack you.

r/bakchodi: what about the Mughals and their anti-Hindu violence? Doesn’t that say something about Muslims? Its proof that Muslims are just savages.

Librandu: that’s not even relevant today. That even happened centuries ago and has no correlation to today’s Muslims.


r/bakchodi: if we don’t kick Muslims out of India now, they’ll take over our country and Islamize it!
Librandu: having Muslims won’t necessarily lead to India’s Islamization. That hasn’t happened since independence, so how do you know such an extreme result will happen?

by MakMokMik January 27, 2020

34👍 119👎

Mob Reporting

A situation where multiple users abuse the 'report' button on Quora.com. It usually happens when a group of Quora users attempt to silence someone or take down his/her answer by constantly reporting the victim, it’s like an online form of lynching akin. The reason mob reporters do this is because they know Quora’s moderation is unfair and often bans users for without explanation (it’s a well-known fact that Quora’s moderation is broken and unjust).

Rima Al-Najjar is possibly a victim of mob reporting from Zionists who were offended by her pro-Palestine answers. She was banned and is now suing Quora for that ban.

Another notable example is Mike Mukluk, an ex-Muslim who criticizes Islam often in a sarcastic tone which angers lots of Muslim Quora users who have mob reported him on multiple occasions.

There are numerous other examples of users who have been banned or are suffering from mob reporting.

by MakMokMik December 7, 2020

1👍 6👎