A term coined by Peacemaker. Intrasensory Perception is the exact opposite of Extrasensory perception. Rather than using your natural ability to perceive reality outside of your physical body using your mind's eye without the use of your 5 physical interface senses, you instead perceive the inside of your physical body through your mind's eye. In doing so, you can do things such as change your physical body at will on the cellular, maybe even the molecular level. This can heal wounds, eradicate disease, increase of decrease blood flow to concentrated areas, etc. The possibilities are innumerable. I founded this term using the "As above, so below." concept after achieving numerous amounts of success in remote viewing sessions. As a result, this gave me beyond questionable doubt that there exists an equal but opposite form of this method of perception.
I've learned to accelerate the repair of cuts, gashes, and lacerations on my skin using Intrasensory Perception.