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1. Pangsai lah !
2. Shit that come from butt
3. 大便
4 你要死吗?不可以大便 去你的头脑就死了

If you don’t pangsai everyday it sin.

You Pangsai on floor you baby!

I need to go Pangsai 了老师
你不让我去 Pangsai Ah,I die then you know.
People must Pangsai in the toilet
Pangsai your head!
Pangsai your butt!
Pangsai your face!
Pangsai your whole body!

by Malaysian definer on urban dic January 21, 2022


A slang word that is used when the person u talk to is stupid and doesn’t know things and good as you

Person say these: ()you
(A person dropped a cup) BRUH!
(I like pony!) BRUH!

by Malaysian definer on urban dic January 21, 2022