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Twin binge

1. (TWIN binj) tr. verb. to alternate binge-watching or binge-listening to a pair of related shows, such as a reality competition series and a podcast that covers that series.

2. (TWIN binj) noun. an instance of twin bingeing.

1. I'm gonna twin binge season 9 of "The Amazing Race Canada" and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan.
2. Season 9 of The Amazing Race Canada and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan sure has been a great twin binge.

Also "dual binge," "parallel binge," "Siamese binge."

by Mama's Pinky Toe August 31, 2023

Dual binge

1. (ˈDUL binj) tr. verb. to alternate binge-watching or binge-listening to a pair of related shows, such as a reality competition series and a podcast that covers that series.
2. (DUL binj) noun. an instance of dual bingeing.

1. I'm gonna dual binge season 9 of "The Amazing Race Canada" and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan.
2. Season 9 of "The Amazing Race Canada" and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan sure has been a great dual binge.

by Mama's Pinky Toe August 31, 2023