Source Code

Joe Porter

Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter

Guy 1: Have you heard of our lord and savior Joe Porter
Guy 2: Yeah he is my role model, he is soooo handsome. He just oozes masculine stuff
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma October 9, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Avenue amrite

Guy 1: The random word generator says Avenue
The cool guy (Joe Porter): Guess I'll add it to Urban Dictionary!
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter!

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma November 3, 2020

Steve in smash

yeah he is

Guy 1: Yo, you seen that Steve in smash
The Cool Guy (Joe Porter): Yeah, would smash! No homo
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter!

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma November 3, 2020

Zoom calls

A good way to play Among us instead of doing your schoolwork.

Guy 1: Are you actually doing your work while on the zoom calls?
The cool guy (Joe Porter): Nah, I'm killing all these noobs which tries to do med-scan!
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter!

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma October 20, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kieran Martin

He is a big dum dum who look like that one kid who like blows the kazoo like its his own dick cus he cant suck his own as it is too little for him.

Guy 1: Have you seen Kieran Martin's dick
The cool guy (Joe Porter): Nah, I don't have super vision!
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter!

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma October 6, 2020


This is a word

Guy 1: What is a word?
The cool guy(Joe Porter): FUCK!
Guy 1: Ha Ha your soo cool and handsome Joe Porter!

by Mamma Joe not Joe Mamma October 6, 2020