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1. An individual (typically in online gaming) who bullies or picks on much lower players, gaining nothing from such action, and usually condemned by other players.

2. A place holder in online game chat for censored words, or for use in making innuendo where plausible deniability is beneficial.
3. Something imaginary that only you claim to have, that no one else can have, in order to irritate and annoy the "have it all's"
4. Reference to the SNL Skit

1. player1 :That a* hole is 15 levels higher than me, but he won't leave me alone
Player2: it's ok, everyone will want in on stomping that mango.

2. Bull mangos. Suck my mango. She got a nice pair of mangoes. Etc...

3. Player1: You suck, I have every unlock and ten times the points as you.
Player2: so what, I got all the mangoes.

4. Google "such is the mango"

by MangoStomper May 15, 2014

37👍 27👎