I asked Lisa if I could use my computer again and she looked at me and said " in a minute * It will be a while she has Obsessive compulsive button pushing disorder O.C.B.P.D.
When you go out searching for valuable or useful items
We went out ground searching for items to sell to supplement our income
A person who is retarded when it comes to techology
I asked my friend Jenny Lee why she never uses her Bluetooth headphones and that's when I called her a tech tard
When you have to go number 2 and it turns out to be number 3 or more and it splatters inside and outside the toilet.
Every time Candy goes to the bathroom lately she has had explosive diarrhea.
When you are walking with someone and you use arms to show them the way to go.
I was walking with Kelly and I used my walking directional indicator to let her know which way to go