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verb (intrans.)
1. A portmanteau of the words 'ball' and 'gargle' meaning to gargle someone's balls.

1. an act or instance or the sound of bargling : an unzip and bargle of sweaty nuts.
2. bargler : one who is in the act of bargling.

A general act of fucking something up : The job was completely bargled when that retard took over.

ORIGIN early 21st cent.: from French gargouiller ‘gurgle, bubble,’ from gargouille ‘throat’ (see gargoyle ) and Middle English : from Old Norse bҩllr, of Germanic origin.

When I am in need of a good bargle, Jason's the first one I call - and he always satisfies.

by Marc Yelloz August 14, 2007

20👍 67👎


e•mo•cen•tric |eem'oh'sentrik|
thinking only of one's own sadness, without regard for the feelings or desires of others and being whiny and totally gay; self-centered : their emocentric tendencies prevented everyone from having a non-gay evening.

an emocentric person.

emocentrically |-(uh)lee| adverb
emocentricity |-sen'trisitee| noun
emocentrism |-sentriz'm| noun

ORIGIN late 20th cent.: from emo (a terrible genre of the worst music ever recorded that only chicks and fags listen to), on the pattern of words such as geocentric.

Their emocentric tendencies prevented everyone from having a non-gay evening.

by Marc Yelloz December 19, 2005

16👍 9👎