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1. To have committed an action of any kind which lead to a foolish or stupid outcome;
2. To be seen as foolish or stupid;
3. The name of a My Little Pony character, Derpy Hooves.
4. The perfect replacement for any word indicating an action, parodying it.

Similar: Derp, derpiest, (unit of measure), derpified, derps.
(Past Tense): to have derped.

"Derpy is as derpy does, Sir!"

"Quit licking the cat's feet - that's just derpy"
"Whenever I talk to you I get all shy . I get all derpy inside"
"Damn, that pretty girl just derpified me."
"Word - Up Derps! How are yah!"
"That is the derpiest thing I have ever seen. Who knew an eye socket could stretch like that..and why use a pylon??"
"I just completely derped up that assignment. I doubt I'll pass the school year."
"This ain't for the best, my reputation has always been derpy; you must like me for me."
"That dog just ate that other dog's poop! How Derpy!"

by Marcel LeWord May 14, 2018