Source Code

pull rank

1. (v) To have sexual relations with someone, normally a female human. A multi-layered term commonly stated matter-of-factly and used to express a feeling of indifference as to whether or not the speaker actually gets to have intercourse with the subject of the verb while simultaneously meaning that the speaker would greatly enjoy it if he were able to get it on with the subject.

<i>an extremely attractive young woman walks by two men sitting on a stoop</i>

Man 1: I'd pull rank on that shit.
Man 2: Fer schnizzle, sweetback?
Man 1: Yeah you know, I wouldn't put any effort into it though.
Man 2: I dunno, I'd porkinz the hell outta her. She was fine.
Man 1: I dunnnno dude... anyway I'm through with spacin' gs for now, let's go chief.
Man 2: Hell yeah.

by Marco St. John June 25, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


sweetback refers to a dude who is too smooth and fresh to go by any other, less respectful, term.

Shit, sweetback, you be smoove with the bitches!

by Marco St. John June 22, 2004

59๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

spacin' gs

To willingly waste time, as though you were floating in the zero-gravity of space without a care in your mind and nothing to do.

Shit, Sweetback, we've been spacin' gs all day today.... nothing can beat this.

by Marco St. John June 14, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž