The Piss.S.3 is the shittiest game console you can have with awful ass graphics and awful games and fucked up PSN Sure it may be free but It's been hacked twice and do you see how much damage it's done?No one wants to play crappy ass games like metal gears solid or little big shit planet,and who the hell needs a fucking blu-ray player for a Video game console?Xbox 360 is the shit and always will be,I wouldn't have made this but so many assholes bashed on the xbox because they are no life fanboys,xbox is fun good graphics has 2 X more best seller games than P.S.3. So you ps3 loving fanboys can go suck it,125 million more people play xbox than Ps3 and that's only the people that play online.
Jack:Hey man i heard you got a P.S.3!
Greg:Yep I sure did spent 300 on the console itself plus the remote and other shit but still worth every penny!
Jack:So can we play?
Greg:Uh sure whatever you say.
Jack:Uh that's not a P.S.3...
Greg:Yeah it is,I turned it into a a crappy grill it really isn't useful other that.
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