A term unique to only one person; the person who originally wrote the "emo maiden" definition. Apparently inspired by Iron Maiden's vocalist Bruce Dickinson's tendency to hold high notes in a manner that can be compared to prolonged whining.
I believe Iron Maiden started the emo trend and I call the band "Emo Maiden" because I have very little knowledge of music history.
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Anyone with enough sense to completely avoid the emo trend. Those who recognize the fact that emo is a false-genre cobbled together from bits of other music subcultures and that its adherenents are fixated on clonish fashion statements and overmoted, contrived negative emotions.
Q: Why aren't you emo?
A: As an emo know it all, I understand that emo is dumb, and therefore choose to ignore the trend.
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A synonym for "emo." "Core" being the common suffix attached to various musical genres (i.e., hardcore, metalcore, homocore, etc.), "mope" is added to the suffix thus creating a more apt and accurate term for the whiny emo trend.
Mopecore is sweeping the nation in the form of "emo", as it consumes the minds and bodies of millions of easily-led trend-following crybabies.
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Easily-led trend followers that have adopted the cookie-cutter emo clone uniform that consists of ridiculously tight pants (often girl's pants), way-too-tight T-shirts (often girl's shirts), Van's or Converse high-top shoes, and any one of the multiple variations of the angular, backward mullet (see:emotenuse). Musically, emo guys listen to the sadly-growing legions of homogenized whiny pop bands and/or the growing-number of misguided metalic/punkish sounding groups that pretend to express anger and melancholy emotions that they have never truly experienced. Emo guys are often seen kissing each other as peer-encouraged homosexuality and acting stereotypically feminine is an important part of emo guys' image, and often is the result of having their testicles squeezed in tight pants for so long that testosterone production is impossible.
We saw a bunch of emo guys kissing because they wanted everyone to see how sensitive and emotional they are, but we all just laughed at how much influence a silly trend can have on human behavior.
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Any easily-led trend-follower whom has joined the sad, contrived, and bland false-genre known as emo. Emo fans pride themselves on looking alike (tight girl's pants on males, black backward mullets, see: emotenuse, contrived negative emotion, Converse high-tops, and peer-encouraged homosexuality. Emo music completely disregards the fact that all music is emotional, and insists that "emotional" pertains only to negative emotions. Emo music is basically commercial pop music masquerading as alternative, which may or may not contain occasional temper-tantrum screaming see: screamo.
Emo fans are lemmings that have been led to the edge of conformity, where they throw themselves into the ocean of exaggerated tears.
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An emo band lacking enough talent to play decent music and/or an emo band with a vocalist that lacks the talent to whine melodically. Many screamo bands simply make a horrible racket while the kid with the microphone screams like a spoiled child having a tantrum in the supermarket; not fast enough to be considered grindcore. Other screamo bands play homongenized, emo-pop music, alternating mellodic whiny, self-depreciating and contrived lyrics with a screaming back-up vocalist who usually repeats the first vocalist's drama-rants.
I went to the screamo concert the other day and soon realized it was just a screaming kid banging on pots and pans in the store. It actually sounded better than the screamo concert going on at Tantrumcore Records.
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Emo hair is a collection of variations of the angular, backward mullet, (esotericaly known as the "hypotenuse"). Emo hair style is also known as the "Swoosh," and should deliberately be associated with the slang adjective "Swish." Almost always black (dyed or natural), emo hair has the unique ablility to make its adherents brain-damaged to the point where they believe looking like others constitutes being unique.
A squared plus B squared equals the C squared hypotenuse of all those emo-clones' emo hair.
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