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In Colombia, a "gringo" (male) or "gringa" (female) is a person born in the United States of America; an informal substitute for the demonym "Estadounidense". It is used independently of the person's phenotype (a black American is also a gringo/gringa; the cousin who was born in the US is also a gringo/gringa), and it doesn't have per se a bad connotation. In fact many times it's used in a light funny or friendly manner. If used with a diminutive, "gringuito" or "gringuita", it is undoubtedly a friendly use of the word.

Example 1:
-Hey Alejandro! Your guest is asking for a dishwashing machine

-This spoiled gringo! lol I'll go in a sec and explain we don't use those
Example 2:
-The Colombian student texted me: "Hey gringuito, what are you doing tonight?", is she insulting me?
-No dude, if anything, she could be flirting

Example 3:
-Los gringos son en promedio más altos que los Colombianos
(On average, Americans/gringos are taller than Colombians)
-Pues sí lo noté en mi paseo, obvio
(I did notice it on my trip, obviously)
Example 4:
Mi esposo es gringo

(My husband is gringo/American)

by Maria Juliana Ximena del Pom.. September 9, 2022