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team duece

The act of taking a shit with one or more of your friends in a public restroom.

"Hey guys, lets take a team duece, then shower, and head out to pick up some tramps..."

by Marko June 24, 2004

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a topic on urbandictionary.com that has been used to discuss the pros and cons of ipods between viewers. Besides it is too expensive and the only reason it has more sales than any other is because people are stupid

read all of the other entries to see what i mean

by Marko April 14, 2005

2044πŸ‘ 1107πŸ‘Ž

American Eagle

A store that all the trend followers that don't have the balls to be different shop at. Their main clothing topic is clothing that is pre-worn out, pre-ripped, pre-stained, etc...

Basically, a bunch of spoiled rich queers pay extra to look poor

by Marko December 12, 2004

42πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


Tubthump(V): to have sexual intercourse in one's bathtub

Alternates: Tubthumping: Amusing song that has nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word

"Haha I tubthumped your sister/mother/cousin/girlfriend/dog!"

by Marko November 10, 2004

5πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


to eat food

YO...I heard that scott goes home and disimperpreates

scott-no i dont

other guy-you dont eat..ha

by Marko March 17, 2004

Martha Stooursh

the sound your tape recorder makes when you tryin and say martha stewart backwards (true-woots athram), and then play the tape in reverse..."martha stooursh"

(presses record) "true-woots athram"...(squickilydeegle - tape rewinds and flips over, press play) "martha stooursh

by Marko August 11, 2004

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

swamp ass

See soup ass.

Man, I bet that fat bitch been sitting in the sun so long in those fat-ass pants she gots herself a serious case of swamp-ass.

by Marko October 23, 2002

35πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž