Source Code


what Tony Montana calls yeyo and most people call cocaine.

I snorted the best perico last weekend.

by Martha March 25, 2004

305πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž


Avery means amazing, talented in every way , able to succeed, will go far in life, loves and cares for that one special person, very good at everything she sets her mind to. Avery is a man eater but only has one special guy. Avery is a very loving and caring person. she always knows how to make you feel better. An Avery can put a smile on your face at any given time. Avery is the sweetest person you will ever meet! An Avery is always attractive! She is so cute and most likely has the most adorable laugh! She always knows the right thing to say and can make you feel better with the corniest lines. She treats men right and respects them. An Avery is also quite a funny person, she can make you laugh no matter what. Avery means awesome beyond all measure. If you ever get an Avery don't ever let her go. It will be the biggest mistake you will ever make so don't do it. Love and cherish Avery because she will do the same

That girl is a total Avery <3

by Martha April 26, 2013

832πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž


the best of the fifty states. we're the richest, the smartest, and we have the best location "between boston and new york."

even though there are some poor people hiding between the cracks of such rich towns as avon, westport, fairfield, and greenwich, whenever a connecticutian leaves the state they will be asked how rich they are.

a lot of new yorkers have second houses here. lots of famous people also have houses here, like 50 cent, paul newman, dave letterman, and whoopi goldberg.

everyone in connecticut pops their collar.

"where are you from?"


"oh so you're rich right?"


by Martha March 5, 2005

403πŸ‘ 433πŸ‘Ž


A strong form of Maryjuana. Chronic.

I smoked some good creepy last night.

by Martha March 25, 2004

29πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

counter strike

more addicting than crack. i hate it i love it. i love to hate it.

dick blisters

by Martha March 31, 2003

358πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

city of fallen angels

Los Angeles, California. Also L.A. or city of angels. A city that is filled with tragic people looking for money and fame, usually ending up in drugs or gangs. Most diverse city in U.S. especially with Latin-American people.

I went to party at the city of fallen angels.

by Martha March 25, 2004

91πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Everyone says preps always wear the same things but doesn't everyone? I mean, preps wear a lot of the same brands but so do punks, goths and well "thugs" if you will. Everyone does kind of look the same. The style and such. Nothing is truly individual. It does suck when everyone wears the same thing though...Like how "punk" became "in" that was irksome.

punk and/or goth: I'm so glad we're individual. Unlike all those preps. They just follow what's "in"
*punk walks in and is wearing the exact same outfit, hairstyle, wristbands etc"
punk and/or goth: NOOO!!!

by Martha April 29, 2004

257πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž