Source Code


The state the Red Sox drive through after losing to the Yankees.

Connecticut is paved with the tears of the Boston Red Sox

by Martin Font August 11, 2006

415πŸ‘ 474πŸ‘Ž


A fictional land from which all idiotic remarks, objects or persons are said to originate.

Yo, this nigga's straight out a porktown!

by Martin Font March 7, 2004

58πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hood Surgeon

Hood Surgeon, born Curtis Young, is a West Coast rapper and the son of hip-hop legend Andre Young (Dr. Dre). He is the co-founder of So Hood Records with Jason Rosales. Hood Surgeon has yet to enter mainstream hip-hop.

"Maybe Hood Surgeon gone' drop some vocals on Dre's next album..."

by Martin Font May 1, 2006

46πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


One who is naughty and rebellious. Also used to describe a violent transient. Hoodlum

Those no good derelicts are vandalizing are neighborhood again.

by Martin Font March 7, 2004

108πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

lil john

Ugly, profane, remarkably untalented rapper. Those who listen to music by the aforementioned "artist." aer usually drunk, stupid, or legally retarded. Hip hop has taken a major blow since the appearence of lil john and others such as the ying yang twins. "Rappers" such as these are tearing down the industry that real artists like Dr. Dre worked so diligently to establish. If you like actual music I suggest listening to Dr. Dre, some of Snoop Dogg's older work, and other artists that don't repeat the same butchered, poorly enunciated sentence for 90 seconds straight. lil john is prooves that just because you have sex, smoke, and drink doesnt mean your a good rapper. What happened to rhymes?

Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up. Beat tha pussy up, beat the pussy up...

by Martin Font July 28, 2005

274πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation of the word Shaperone. Usually used by 8-12 year olds (annoying ones) going through the preliminary stage of social development. See tweens. Intended to be a hip cryptic expression. Pertains to "parties," fieldtrips, and various other celebrations.

Loser Kid 1: "Hey Teddy, I went to a sweet party yesterday."
Loser Kid 2: "Nifty!"
Loser Kid 1: "Yeah, tell me about it, there were only five 'shaps' it was off the heezy."
Loser Kid 2: "Sounds spiffy."
Loser Kid 1: "Totally, there were enough juice boxes for every 6th grader in the world! We partied until 3 in the afternoon!!!"
Loser Kid 2: "WOW!"

by Martin Font August 2, 2005

55πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Pork as spelled by a village idiot or buffoon. mantha

"do do pock."

by Martin Font March 11, 2004

56πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž