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Shareshagged- Verb (past tense)


Share - when someone passes something on

Shag - British for 'making love'
= Shareshagged

A groovy word to say when:

Someone shares all your content (e.g. images/music/videos/writing) on the Internet in a frenzy.
It makes you feel they are making a statement of intent that they like you!

As every single one of George's posts got re-shared by the same person, he felt shareshagged!

by MartinSherv October 11, 2012

Shareshagged redemption

Shareshagged Redemption

Shareshagged is when:
Someone shares all your content (e.g. images/music/videos/writing) on the Internet in a frenzy.

It makes you feel they are making a statement of intent that they like you!
Redemption: Being saved/forgiven

=Shareshagged Redemption

A groovy word to say when:

You forgive the person who shareshagged you.

Even though Patrik was hit by multiple shares on his memes, he considered the kindest move was shareshagged redemption.

by MartinSherv October 12, 2012


Ripplegasm - Noun


Ripple - waves spreading across a surface
Orgasm - peak of pleasure
= Ripplegasm

A groovy word to say when:

Your content (e.g. images/music/videos/writing) spreads across the Internet, giving you a high degree of pleasure.

As Larry's meme images were shared more and more online, he started to have a ripplegasm.

by MartinSherv October 7, 2012

4👍 1👎

Cat denial

Cat denial
Cat - feline
Denial - a state of hiding from the truth
= Cat denial

This is a serious condition that occurs in the following situation:

When you share other people's images of cats on a Saturday but you deny that you participate in the Internet meme day known as Caturday, just because you didn't upload it yourself.

Despite Denis sharing Amanda's YouTube cat video, he was clearly in cat denial that he was now an active part of the Caturday phenomena.

by MartinSherv October 27, 2012


Commoogling: Verb (present continuous form)


Commingling - to mix together, to blend, to make into on 'body'
Online activity i.e. Commingling Online = Commoogling

One of those fun words to say to describe:


1. when people come together to form an online community

2. mixing will all kinds of people in chat rooms

3. blending life on and offline

A group of ten people were in chat rooms commoogling all night long.

by MartinSherv September 12, 2012

14👍 2👎

Generation +

Generation +


Coming after Generation X and Generation Y, "Generation +" is the emerging generation that extends beyond the boundary of birth date.

Also known as Generation Plus or Gen+ they use social media as a way of developing global networks.
Generation+ regularly spends time in online communities, commoogling, as a way of manifesting the ideals of a collaborative culture.

As more and more people around the world had access to the Internet, they began to become an integral part of Generation +

by MartinSherv October 19, 2012

3👍 2👎


Commoogle: Noun


Commingle - to mix together, to blend, to make into one 'body'


Online activity i.e. Commingling Online = Commoogle

One of those fun words to say to describe:

1. when people come together to form an online community

2. mixing will all kinds of people in chat rooms

3. blending life on and offline

Elaine, George and Marilyn were all helping people out, commoogling on a daily basis together, and as such were collaborating in part of the global commoogle!

by MartinSherv October 16, 2012