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A variation of 'shit' with lots of i's and no t.

Oh shiii I just realized my math test is tomorrow but I didn't even study today

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 27, 2021

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A reoccuring limited-time burger from McDonald's that ISN'T made of rib but instead of restructured meat products such as heart, tripe, and stomach. It also contains Azodicarbonamide, which increases risk of breathing problems. They also look artificially manufactured and unpalatable when frozen, sort of like styrofoam.

Guy 1: After reading the truth about McRib, I still want to eat a McRib
Guy 2: I mean hey man, it's your choice, I sure as hell ain't eating that

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 29, 2021

meme person

A really annoying kid whose only words that comes out of their mouths (or keyboard) are stale meme references. Also loves to spam group chats with stupid tasteless memes.

Classmate 1: Yo you know Dustin over there?
Classmate 2: You mean that one meme person who can't go one minute without saying SHEEESH?
Classmate 1: Yeah
Classmate 2: Ugh I hate that kid.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 15, 2021


Anti-maskers are the new anti-vaxxers. They are a new, more resilient breed of stupid that comes in swarms.

Anti-maskers are atypical in that they hold the deluded belief that wearing masks during a global pandemic are somehow an infringement on their "individual freedoms".

This is like saying there is a school shooter on the loose, and everybody in the school is forced to remain silent and hidden, but one student does not remain silent for the sole reason that it is infringing on their freedom of speech. It doesn't take a wise guy to see the ridiculousness in this way of thinking.

As with anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, scientologists, climate change naysayers, etc etc, anti-maskers often resort to twisted logic, cherry picking, confirmation bias, belief perseverance, egocentric bias, and any other bias/fallacy to curb their cognitive dissonance and defend their faulty reasoning.

They do not get that mask wearing isn't just about protecting oneself, but about protecting others. Therefore in order to flatten the curve, everybody must cooperate.

Hopefully natural selection will get the best of them.

News on City TV: Hundreds of protesters gathered downtown for most of the afternoon on Saturday, calling for an end to the COVID-19 lockdown measures. The group of anti-maskers were carrying signs and shouting slogans, and caused traffic slow downs. Calling themselves Γ’Β€Β˜freedom fightersҀ™, they say they are defending their constitutional rights and freedoms.

Me: I don't want to live on this planet anymore

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 18, 2020

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White Knight

1) In general, someone who fights for fairness and impartiality. Isn't afraid to go against the popular opinion of a community to make sure that no one (or no thing) gets misunderstood.

2) The antithesis of a black knight.
3) Me.

"I'm a white knight and all them haters can frick the frick off" - me
"Poor you, defending everyone and everything. I might as well whoop your ass too." - Black knight
"Let that idea entertain you, because the reality is that white knights always win. Wake up you incompetent fool. " - me

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 1, 2022


While the rationale behind manspreading is perfectly valid, to single this problem onto men is just plain ridiculous. This has nothing to do with gender, it's simply a matter of public etiquette. If a girl spreads her legs out while the bus is jam packed with people, people would be pretty pissed too.

Do not listen to any feminist suggestions. Instead, every man and human should simply stick to this guide:
1) When the bus/metro capacity is under 25%, spread your legs as you so desire
2) When the bus/metro capacity is 25-75%, generally spreading is fine as people have other seats to choose from
3) When the bus/metro capacity is over 75%, it's best to play it safe and tuck your legs because people will likely want to sit in the adjacent seat

See also: leg spreading

Me: You know what misses me off so much? When people leg spread on the bus. There was this guy who freakin' blocked two seats with his legs on the bus. Like, I ain't gonna complain about that if the bus was half empty, but the bus was full and there was an old lady who wanted to sit down but the guy was too busy on his phone to notice her.
Her: Don't you mean manspreading?
Me: No, I mean leg spreading.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian April 9, 2021

51πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


In layman's terms, self-actualization is when you have reaped the maximum potential out of your personal talents, abilities, creativities and ambitions. Self-actualization only happens when all your lower primal needs have been met (e.g. physiological needs, emotional needs).

While self-actualization initially paints a pretty picture inside your head, do not be fooled as the journey is actually quite excruciating. In order to become fully self-actualized you'd have to push yourself to the limits. You'd have to devote yourself solely towards your ambitions and talents, no slacking or fun and games. The world's biggest entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs were 100% self-actualized, but boy they were under a lot of stress and often overworked to the core.

In summary, self-actualization is a very good thing, but it's not for the weak-minded.

Me in first year psych: *after learning about the concept* Wow I want to achieve self-actualization!!!

Me in my fourth year: *suddenly realizes that self-actualization takes hard work and pure dedication* Ehh I think I'll just live a chill life

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 3, 2021

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