When a metal pole is being horribly violated by a pole dancer in many different ways. Poles have feelings too, you know.
After my girlfriend's pole dancing class ended, I went into the gym and started gently caressing all the poles that had been polested, telling them "shhhh.... everything's going to be alright, you're safe with me now."
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A large Canadian casual-dining restaurant chain owned by Recipe Unlimited (formerly Cara Operations Ltd). It serves entry-level western dishes catered to Canadian style food. Quality and taste is sometimes decent, but often times subpar. Makes for an adequate job for a college student.
Comparable to the American restaurant chains Olive Garden and (less so) Applebees.
Guy 1: I just got a new job at Swiss Chalet!
Guy 2: Nice!
Back when people watched television with a digital cable box, you might've noticed that two or more channels broadcast the same exact thing. They might not all be in sync though, and the 'carbon copies' are often worse in quality. This is strictly known as simulcasting.
When I was a kid, I used to find it mildly intriguing that channels 26, 232, 234, and 556 all broadcasted the exact same content. Didn't know these were called simulcasts until now.
Any external unstoppable force so strong and so unpredictable that it cannot be quantified. Humans have grown to think about themselves as masters over their environment, but when face to face with mother nature, we lose. Every. Single. Time.
Only the wise will understand and accept that nothing, not even humans and their scientific prowess, can control mother nature. The fool, on the other hand, deludes themselves into thinking that they are impervious to anything.
Be smart, don't ever underestimate mother nature.
COVID-19 is mother nature's wake up call that the human condition is and always has been fragile. Apparently, some very special individuals did not understand her wake up call and continue to live life accordingly to their rules. We call those very special individuals "anti-maskers".
It hasn't been said here yet, but this schmuck of a dictator died on November 25, 2016. He reigned Cuba far too long.
Flawed to the core by communist ideology, this man only did the bare minimum to differentiate himself from the likes of Soviet Russia or North Korea, but was still FAR far behind with regards to the 'utopia' he and its citizens envisioned. He was more antihero than hero. His cruelness and bigotry negates his goodwill. While he took the nation two steps foreword, the citizens took a toll of four steps backward.
Doris: Yo you ever heard of Fidel Castro?
Boris: Nope
Doris: He's that Cuba dictator who went full communist and ultimately fucked up his country
Boris: Oh shiittt
Doris: He would literally kill anyone for not having the same music tastes as him
Boris: Wtfff
Doris: He's dead now though
Boris: Yooo lets goooo
A chemistry term used to describe the molecular structure of an optically active compound or crystal that rotates the plane of polarized light to the right, or in other words clockwise.
Dexibuprofen is the active dextrorotatory enantiomer of ibuprofen
A device that made many people's childhoods. The entire lineup was recently discontinued by Apple in May 2022.
Old elementary school friend 1: Hey remember when you used to have that fart soundboard app on your iPod Touch 2G?
Old elementary school friend 2: LOL yeah, we used to troll around with that in class. Those were good times man.