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The Chinese wholesale site where most consumer brands get their merchandise from. Also named after the multibillion dollar company that created the site.

Scummy businesses often buy cheap merchandise from Alibaba, slap their logo on them, and then solely rely on catchy marketing tactics and social media to hype their product up.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 4, 2023


As a han Chinese myself, I can confirm that Shuai means something cool, awesome, swag, dope, etc. It is indeed very similar to the Japanese equivalent of Sugoi. Part of me wishes that shuai became more popular than sugoi.

A: Look at that car
B: That's so shuai
A: Do you mean sugoi?
B: No, I mean shuai

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 5, 2021

2010s Culture

One cannot talk about the culture of 2010 without dividing the decade in half.

The first five years were pretty damn good. Pop culture was at its peak during this time, characterized by sensational music videos like gangnam style and the harlem shake, and pop artist icons such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Katy Perry. During this time period, EDM (primarily dubstep, electro and big room house) had become the new standard of pop music, slowly replacing rock-influenced pop music of the 2000s. Internet meme culture was becoming more and more mainstream, characterized by troll memes, rage comics, impact font image macros, and—by late 2014—finally evolving into the more familiar dank meme culture (shrek, mlg montage parodies). Other memorable cultural phenomenons around this time include Kony 2012, the "end of the world" on Dec 21 2012, and the ALS ice bucket challenge. This was also the time where smartphones and tablets were on the rise, laying the foundation to today's smartphone-driven society. Overall the first half of this decade was pretty cool and entertaining, lighthearted even, and did not disappoint.

The second half, however, is where everything went downhill. Not even starting with the apocalyptic election of Donald Trump, pop culture in general began devolving into a cesspit of mediocrity, where the entire industry seems to have shifted to a more methodical approach, relying more on generic yet effective formulas than ever before. This was the time when fidget spinners and dabbing were actually a thing, and when ASMR, mukbang, and slime videos started becoming all the rage. It is also in this second half of the decade where politics and social justice became a large area of concern (and contempt) to the public eye, which led to the widespread use of terms such as 'SJW', 'snowflake', alt-right', and 'liberal cuck'. Memes have also devolved, relying heavily on shallow humour, cringe, making innocent things look vile, and absurdity. Pretty much the second half of this decade is just a more shallower, convoluted, and depressing version of the first half.

Other notable cultural trends of the second half include, but are not limited to: fidget spinners

Person 1: Man, I miss 2010s culture, back when we had rage comics and back when filthyfrank was still active
Person 2: So I guess the 2010s must be your favourite decade

person 1: Well yes, but actually no.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 3, 2020

8👍 3👎

nodar kumaritashvili

Nodar Kumaritashvili was a Georgian luger who suffered a fatal crash during a training run for the 2010 Winter Olympics competition in Whistler, Canada, on the day of the opening ceremony.

I mourned for Nodar Kumaritashvili's death.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 15, 2015

Ear Licking

Let me rephrase my previous definition differently and more sensibly:

While ear licking is technically a form of ASMR, ear licking should NOT be associated with ASMR. Why?

It's money-grabbing publicity material. Suggestive stuff always gets more attention than non-suggestive stuff. This changes the dominant representation of ASMR from something non-sexual to something lewd. Now don't get me wrong, ASMR can be suggestive/erotic, but that is not at all representative of the true purpose of ASMR (which is to relax and give you tingles). Such content should be on pornhub, NOT twitch. It is truly heartbreaking to see newcomers being deterred away from ASMR because of the ear licking, when in reality ASMR stands for so much more.

It is exactly like toxic Rick & Morty fans who give off a bad impression of that show when in reality it is such a great show.
It is exactly like the people who shit on Fortnite when it's actually not that bad of a game.
It is exactly like people who boycott Papa John's because of its kooky CEO when in reality their pizza is really good.
Do I need to come up with more analogies?

Also let's be honest, the sound of somebody's wet tongue dragging across the mic is generally revolting to hear. If you genuinely like ear licking, then good for you I guess, but please know and understand that ear licking is destroying the dignity and reputation of ASMR, day by day. There are endless tales of people who hate ASMR because all they knew of it was ear licking.

▼The chat of an ASMR twitch stream▼

DadudeBro: I am so relaxed rn, thanks
Hoss382950: Hello
KingJeff7: *abruptly comes in* Y'ALL ARE SICK PEOPLE FOR LIKING ASMR!!!
DadudeBro: @KingJeff7 no u
CHR0NICBE4ST: @KingJeff7 How? What did asmr ever do to you?

KingJeff7: Bruh I aint gonna listen to some girl licking the fuckin mic
CHR0NICBE4ST: Please pay attention to this stream, do you see any ear licking? Also, I think you got the wrong impression of ASMR. Look up "Virtual Barbershop" on Youtube and go watch the first video. Now THAT is real asmr.
DadudeBro: Yeah what CHR0NICBE4ST said. Additionally, go look up ASMRtists such as Gentle Whispering, Heather Feather, ASMRmagic, Gibi ASMR and Ephemeral Rift. Those are people who make actual ASMR. If you think ASMR is just ear licking and mukbang, then you are heavily misguided.
KingJeff7: I don't care, still cringey ass shit.
MOD Jadee_17: "KingJeff7 has been banned."
totally_newb: PETTHEMODS
Heckerboi97: PETTHEMODS

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 31, 2021

3569👍 15👎

Ear licking

Some stupid shit that skanky ass e-girls do to a binaural microphone. It is often wrongly labelled as asmr when in reality it's just erotica (FYI erotic asmr ≠ asmr). Call it asmr all you want, but the entire asmr community would beg to differ.

Ear licking is NOT asmr. To categorize ear licking as asmr is an utter insult towards the entire asmr community and misrepresents ASMR's raison d'etre.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian June 26, 2021

3558👍 23👎

Yagami Yato

Porn produced and directed solely by women that are as hot as the pornstars themselves. This is in contrast to a typical male-run porn studio, where the director and cameraman are, well, men. So when watch you a Yagami Yato, you know that you're jerking off to beautiful women, both on camera and off camera.

(P.S. Porn can include both real-life and hentai)

To watch and fap to porn produced and directed solely by women.

Feminists: All pornography should be banned as it involves male-dominated porn studios depicting the objectification of women through the male gaze
An enlightened carl wheezer: Yagami Yato bitch!

Bro 1: Yo imma Yagami Yato tonight 😍🥰
Bro 2: You that thirsty eh?

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 2, 2020

8👍 41👎