Official Rules Of
{Pronounced (sp-long)}
The game is played to 11 (must have 2 points over the opponent to win.) Must use hands and nothing else for personal benefit
1. The first serve must be tossed over the top net and hit the opponentâs side
2. You have 2 attempts for the serve, if you fail both attempts a point will be given to the Opposing team (failed attempt= touches the net, goes anywhere other than over the top net, and/or does not reach the opponentâs side)
3. After the serve, the ball is to be thrown or hit in any way possible as long as it passes through the middle of the nets to the opponentâs side.
4. The ball must hit the opposite side of the table to make a point if the ball does not touch the opponentâs half, the opponent will take point
5. The ball may only be held for no more than 1.5 sec.
6. The ball may bounce just once on the ground, but must be slapped or hit through the middle of the 2 nets (Cannot grab/hold the ball after the ball touches the ground)
7. If you punch the ball it may go over the top net (any other type of hit going over the top net other than with a fist will result in a point for the opponent)
8. to set up the game get 2 poles and put them on the net of the ping-pong table then add 2 ping pong nets and your all set
Official Rules Of Nerd-Ball
(game was made by a group of Individuals in the youth)
1) The objective of the game is to be the last man standing
2) use your hand to hit the cue-ball (white one) trying to get the 8-ball (black one) in any one of the pockets
3) if you hit the cue-ball in the pocket before the 8-ball goes in your out
4) if the person in front of you gets the 8-ball in the pocket your out and wait until the game is over
5) on the serve you have 3 attempts to hit the ball if unable to do so, your out
6) if on the serve you manage to hit both balls in at the same time your out, This move is further known as the Katalynn
7) if any of the 2 balls in play go off the table your out (unless itâs a serve)
8) After someone gets out the person behind them go to serve the ball
9) if the 8-ball stops moving before you hit the ball your out
10) when the person hits the ball their turn is over and the person behind them is up
11) Once a game has started no one can join in late
12) Alliances are allowed
13) If you're not competitive it's not the game for you maybe play SPLONG