Blitz = Blitzwar
Is a game that reproduce the board game of Risiko, but you can play it online with your friends.
Dodo: "What do we do tonight?"
Braso: "Blitz??"
A person who does you no favors even if you are friends.
Xim: "Marcus pass me the water"
Marcus: "No! Get up and take it yourself"
Dodo: "Marcus you are such a Ommmemmmerrd"
Theoretical meaning: small piece of poop attached to the pubic hair
Practical meaning: a person who does not detach even when you want to be alone
Xim: "I'm going with my girlfriend to the restaurant tonight"
OcraM: "I'm coming too!"
Xim: "Alooo don't be a TARZANELLO"
The "SBARBATO" is a person who does normal things but who knows they can annoy others.
"Yesterday I went out for an aperitif with your girlfriend, we had a lot of fun" "Che SBARBATO"
A stingy person, never kind, who only cares about himself. He usually does not return favors and takes advantage of those given by others.
"The day before yesterday we all offered a drink except for X who scrounged it from us" "Okay, obviously, X is a CHETOSO"