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30-Year-Old Boy

The same as a Ten-Year-Old Man.

SEE: Ten-Year-Old Man.

Person 1: Do you know what a 30-Year-Old Boy is?
Person 2: Yeah, it's the same as a Ten-Year-Old Man. You should look up Ten-Year-Old Man.

by MastaRoe March 6, 2011

6👍 6👎

White Collar Sweatshop

An office populated by so-called white collar professionals who are forced to work not only during regular hours, but also at home, in the evenings, weekends, holidays and “vacations” in order to complete projects on time – this only to receive more projects with even more ridiculous deadlines. Often these deadlines are so tight because of the poor planning and shortsightedness of management. Management justifies this slave driving by paying these workers in the neighborhood of $70,000 a year, which is less than 1% of the company’s total revenue.

Man Jeff is always working, he barely gets any time with his family." "Yeah but he makes like $70,000 a year so that's the trade off." "I thought he went to college so he WOULDN'T have to work hours like that." "No he went to college so he could work in a white collar sweatshop.

by MastaRoe April 24, 2011

47👍 5👎


A marriage of the words "Badass" and "Attitude". Literally meaning the attitude cultivated by a badass.

I know you think you're tough, but don't mess with that guy. His badassitude is bigger than yours.

by MastaRoe July 3, 2011

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Full of, abounding in, having, possessing the qualities of badassitude

Used in a video titled, “The Top Five Things With Which Jason Bourne Could Beat Your Ass” along with Badassery, Badassedness, Badassity, Badasstic, Badassical, Badassitious, Mucho Badasstico, and Badassiticity

Jason Bourne fought and killed a guy with a hand towel. The fact that the guy had a straight razor was immaterial because Jason Bourne is badassitudinous.

by MastaRoe July 3, 2011

Shitty Lips

A term used to berate someone. It alludes to that person’s affinity for licking and/or kissing bare, unwashed assholes.

Nice shot, shitty lips! You totally missed!

You think you're man enough to take me, shitty lips?

Way to fuck everything up, shitty lips!

by MastaRoe April 24, 2011

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Dick Kissin'

1. Another term for “ass kissing” or “brown nosing”. It means to pander to the emotions of a superior in hopes the superior will reward the subordinate with raises, promotions, special privileges, and the like. It is a disgusting thing to watch.
2. Another term for “sucking” or being “sorry”, particularly in the context of video games.

Inspired by Mia X’s rap on the song “Ghetto Symphony”.

Look at Dave laughing with the boss. I’m so sick of his dick kissin'.

Oh man! I’m already near the finish line and you’re still at the first turn dick kissin'.

by MastaRoe July 10, 2011

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An umbrella term used for any and all types of off-brand, low-grade audio equipment.

Everybody was hanging out with their systems going then Tom pulled up bumping his Schwanks. What a loser.

Wow, those are some homemade looking speakers you got. What are those, Schwanks?

Whatever, your beats are so lame you couldn't get sponsored by Schwank Audio.

by MastaRoe April 24, 2011

1👍 7👎