Had a Beatastic idea Cop always asks what was he doing? Jordan "When am I going to be put in court for not being psychic?"
Is the worst joke humans ever backfired on themselves this is Purgatory last chance to earn less suffering in Hell
The Point in life when u just dont know or care to know of the answer
The meaning of life Doesnent matter unless happiness coinside with social harmony
Cloudy uncertainty so to prevent oneself from being wrong they go slant-wise going with pro and con at the same time
The Meaning of Life matter when the answer doesn't coincide pangea social and moral Harmony was just a cosmic joke. Doesnent this matter?
The point of being so f*cked goes all the way to end of the alphabet aka can't get worse
I showed up to my wife's sisters baby shower I had it 26-Deep my ex-wife was there.
The origin Googleplex,Google,& Dogpile The Largest conceivable # radified by itself
Yo Joe how mant taxes to flow? Dogplex is next bed and breakfast.
An epidemic series of poxen near Apocalyptic series
The rate of decent in modern literature so no less an epipoxen than saying we at DOS days had an impenetrable system and yet for better screens we have less effective homeland effectiveness ,Dr Capt Jordan Burgess Waugh