Source Code

Seed Present

A present given by a woman upon her impregnation; a condition precedent to receiving a 'push present' upon giving birth.

My wife got me an Audi A5 as a seed present when she found out she was pregnant

by Master of my Domain November 24, 2017


It comes from the language of Spanish. It has two quite different meaning. The first being a mexican delicasy. The second is pussy. Note the emphazise on the u sound of the word.

"Motherfucker que tu quieres?"

REPEAT OVER AND OVER. For further info, look at chocha.

by Master of my Domain July 7, 2004

27👍 67👎

Chin Nuts

When one person has a dick in his or her mouth. Also works for Chest Nuts, Ear Nuts, or Rib Nuts.

"Sugar daddy if i had nuts on my chest would those be chest nuts?"
"Oh Hell yea"
"Sugar Daddy if i had nuts on my chin would those be chin nuts"
"Oh hell nah bitch you got a dick in your mouf"

by Master of my Domain July 7, 2004

184👍 74👎

Flight To Boston

When one's penis is sucked by a member of the opposite sex. For all you dumbasses out there a "woman".

The bitch with the fat ass and no teeth gave me a flight to Boston.

by Master of my Domain July 7, 2004

346👍 105👎