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The sweetest boy I've ever known. He's tall, muscular, has sandy brown hair that's fans his forehead and the most marvelous, gorgeous bluish green eyes. He is a fast runner, and loves music, especially the saxophone and the electric guitar. He's super smart, artistic, caring, outgoing and he's the most ideal boyfriend ever. He's the kind who notices instantly when his girlfriend is blue, and knows the quickest way to cheer her up. He calls almost every night to hear his girlfriend's voice and to say good night. Truly, Matthew is the best person ever.

Hey, Matthew, you're probably never going to see this, but I still love you so, so, so much. I don't know how much you loved me, but I really did. I'm sorry for letting you go like that. And if there was something I could do to take it all back, I would. Ever since that moment I hung up on you after breaking it off, my life has been miserable. I miss you, Matt. I don't expect you to ever forgive me, but just know this, I didn't let you go because I hated you, I let you go because I was scared. I'm sorry.
I love you forever.

by Matt's Heart Breaker December 27, 2011

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