The alpha male is an act that is performed by males usually in their teens and twenties who act tough, are loud, and have to be the center of attention or they feel insecure. When a man is successful and in his thirties he no longer acts this way because he has grown up and realized that the entire alpha male act is phony. When was the last time you saw a rich, successful man try to pick a fight??? Never. The only guys that do this are the losers that go to bars to take their anger out because they are angry inside for going nowhere in life.
35yr old alpha male at the bar,"I'm bald, fat, I make 7 dollars an hour and I work a job I hate...what are you looking at? Do you want to fight? I need to kick someones ass today because my boss ripped me an new asshole for burning the fries at McDonalds and I need to take it out on someone."
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