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Total GDI Move. When a geed does something nerdy, strange, or generally uncool or not fratty.

Chris: Dude, did you see what happened last night?
Dude: No, what?
Chris: Billy got so drunk at the bar he tried picking up a chick by asking if she preferred Kirk or Picard.
Dude: The hell? TGDIM.

by Matt..... September 11, 2011

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Foot massage

The rubbing and massaging of one's feet. Often interpreted as sensual. Something you never give another man's woman.

Vincent: I ain't saying it's right. But you're saying a foot massage don't mean nothing, and I'm saying it does. Now look, I've given a million ladies a million foot massages, and they all meant something. We act like they don't, but they do, and that's what's so fucking cool about them. There's a sensuous thing going on where you don't talk about it, but you know it, she knows it, fucking Marsellus knew it, and Antwone should have fucking better known better. I mean, that's his fucking wife, man. He can't be expected to have a sense of humor about that shit. You know what I'm saying?

Jules: That's an interesting point. Come on, let's get into character.

by Matt..... February 21, 2011

115πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


If you're looking up this word there's a very high chance you should be studying yourself.

Rather than studying, Billy browsed the internet for 3 days and bombed his English 101 exam.

by Matt..... October 27, 2011

110πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Moral Orel

A humorous stop-motion show that appeared on adult swim. It centered around Orel, an 11/12 year old church goer who tries to do the right thing by living up to an extreme Protestant ethic. The show itself is a satire of Protestantism, Christianity, morality, and 1950s culture, just to name a few. As the show progressed it began incorporating more dark humor with its episodes. It aired for three seasons before it was denied renewal, most likely due to a combination of the episodes "Nature (part I and II)", "Numb," and "Alone."

Despite how dark Moral Orel ended, it is still a good satire that manages to get good jokes in.

by Matt..... May 26, 2009

128πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Short for Delete Fucking Everything, the act of deleting everything on a web page or hard drive in an attempt to avoid persecution, prosecution, and insult.

Billy: Oh shit, they're flaming my youtube page nonstop! Time to DFE!

by Matt..... October 24, 2009

209πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A cell phone that adds "new" features once a year and calls them innovative. Most of these features are not new or innovative but rather common on other phones.

Apple: This new iPhone will have voice chat! You'll be able to connect on a totally new level you've never been able to experience before!
Sane person: Didn't Nokia, Palm, Motorola, and Sony all have this, like, 3 years ago?

by Matt..... June 21, 2010

3343πŸ‘ 1613πŸ‘Ž

Grammy Awards

Originally a respected award from its inception until the 80s, it's now a night of music industry masturbation. 90% of the awards are given based on how well an album sold rather than an artist's critical and artistic recognition. Mainstream, generic, and record label-designed songs and bands sweep the awards while more talented and deserving artists are either ignored completely or, should they get the nomination, left hanging in the wind while a commercially successful artist accepts an award s/he knew would be theirs as soon as their name was called.

Despite this, the jazz, classical, gospel/soul, and folk categories are still respected and the winning artists are held at a high esteem. These genres are less commercially popular than pop, rock, country, hip-hop, and r&b and as such artists are actually awarded based on merit and talent rather than record sales.

The night is self-contradicting in that there is always a speech about the importance of music education and the need for new artists, despite the same artists winning every time they're nominated and performances being lip synced and incredibly dull, with very few exceptions.

"I don't know what this means. I don't think it means anything... There's too many bands and you've heard it all before.... Thanks, I guess." - Eddie Vedder, 1996

"I think the Grammy Awards are nothing more than some gigantic promotional machine for the music industry. They cater to a low intellect and they feed the masses. They don't honor the arts or the artist for what he created. It's the music business celebrating itself. That's basically what it's all about." Maynard James Keenan, 2002

Despite 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' being one of the highest rated album of all time, it was not nominated for Album of the Year in 2012.

Jazz and soul artists aren't awarded and don't perform on air because the needs of bland Katy Perry fans are more important than those genre's comparative handful of fans.

The only good Grammy Award performances in recent memory were Adele (2012), Dave Matthews Band (2010), and the Elton John/Lady Gaga duet (2008).

by Matt..... February 13, 2012

43πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž