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Final Fantasy

A (Very) brief summary of all the Final Fantasy Games:

FFI: The first game of the series on NES, saved Square Soft(Enix) from going out of buisness.
FFII: Squares first attempt to develop the series into what we know today, but being experimental didn't do so well.
FFIII: The most popular NES FF game. It is now being rereleased in 3D for the DS so go try if for yourself.

FFIV: This is the true parent(mother) of all Final Fantasy games today. Althought not as popular or defended as latter installments this game needs to be noted for its creation of the job system and progress in magic abilities.

FFV: The game that never made it to america, least popular of all the "typical" FF games. But still needs to be noted for its development on the job and magic systems which gave birth to later 'great' FF games.

-Loved by the Fanboys-
FFVI: The single greatest FF game ever created only rivaled by big brother FFVII. Fantastic storyline, tons of characters, and a great plot. A great battle system, magic system, and even summons & Desperation attacks (limits).

FFVII: The single most popular FF game ever created. The first 3D and first FF to leave Nintendo systems. Entertaining storyline, great characters, summons, and magic.

FFVI & FFVII: Are the best final fantasy's in the series, the debate on which is better is completely fan-opinions. While FFVI is superior in storyline, charaters, plot, deversity, and things you can do/explore. FFVII has much superior graphics, FMVs, and characters that are easy to relate to. The battle systems and magics of the games are very similar and the only way to truely settle this debate would be to remake both games with the new "White Engine" thats going to be used in Final Fantasy XIII (13).

FFVIII: A very underrated game because of its predecessor FFVII. The game featured a new magic system, and a few other unique things like auto leveling for characters not currently in your party. It also had a well developted storyline and characters, but the new battle systems were unpopular and the story just wasn't enough.

FFIX: Squares attempt to return to origial style FF games (FFIV, FFV, & FFVI), but unfortunatly the game came out too linear and the characters were unpopular leading to demise of this game.

FFX: The greatest visual story of all the FF games. Altho underrated and often noted as being too easy, this is one of the best FF games of all time as far as the visuals go and the ease to follow the story. However the lack of something other than pretty characters and amazing movies left this game slightly lacking among the fanboy crowd.

FFX-2: The sequal to FFX, with an all girl party. Praised to have the best battle system of all the FF games. Worth playing, but oddly unpopular among typical FF fans.

FFXI: An MMORPG, with a FF title. Similar to the series in the content of the game, but completely different gameplay and community of players.

-The Hopeful-
FFXII: A game that started out looking like a FFX clone with a new storyline. FFXII is to be released soon, a completely new game with a huge plot of battling kingdoms. This is Squares supposable attempt to go back to roots with the latest graphics, but fanboys and girls alike are very sceptical and hesitant to buy this game.

FFXIII: Hopefully the best Final Fantasy game of the series in development (for probably the next 5 years) it will have a completey new Real Time combat system. It will also be released with the lastest-n-greatest graphics on the next generation systems primarly PS3 (however b/c of the PS3 price range FFXIII will probably be released on XBOX 360 and Nintendo Wii as well).

Man: What is Final Fantasy?
Fanboy: The greatest RPG series ever created.
Man: Oh?! You mean like D&D.
Fanboy: .......No......

by Matthew G. September 29, 2006

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