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Another way to DICK. First said by Matthew, Ross, and Cameron. Put the emphazies on the I and say DEEICK.

You Deick

by Matthew U. June 25, 2003

6👍 9👎


An acronym for the word Asian.

AZN is so overused and therefore holds no value. Ironically it is still used as part of every day life by pathetic asians that think they are gangsters by parading around in their bleached hairs and loose clothing. Their day to day routine involves spending all their money playing DDR at arcades, then bumming outside Galaxy World on George Street when they have finished and are penniless.

"AZN" probably originated from that crap song "Azn Pryde" by some pathetic asian with no singing talent. Since then, dickhead asians have tried to follow in this no-talent's footsteps. Dye their hair, dress in loose clothing and fanaticise themself about the joy of listening to love songs and r&b (Songs sung by African Americans and have no relations with Asian whatsoever).

In conclusion, 'AZN' is pathetic. The repeated use of 'AZN' creates a bad stereotype for the real asians. Any asian who uses 'AZN' on a regular basis is just another dumbcunt trying to be a real asian.

A Real Asian - An educated human being with Asian ancestry.
An AZN Asian - A poorly educated individual living in a western country (Like Australia) and leeching on the achievements of a 'Real Asian'

Pathetic Asian: "AZN Pryde!!"
Me: "Fuck off loser! Because of you, I wish i was white!"

by Matthew U. October 5, 2005

194👍 194👎


A different way to say BITCH. First said by Blake. Said like this BEENCH. And move your arms up and down and wear a GA shirt.


by Matthew U. June 25, 2003

5👍 21👎


A shit stirring computer geek that only exists on the internet and thinks he is top shit by typing in capitals, swearing excessively and thinking they can kick your arse in a fight.

In real life they are some pathetic, weak individual that can not go a day without linking real life situations with something that happens in a computer game.

As a result, they are rejected by society because of their nature and should be disowned by their parents.

If they did wanna fight you, they would probably tell you to go to LAN to meet them, sad cunts.

<e-thug> say to my face cunt. Meet me at NetCafe tomorrow!
<Me> Pffffft....... you're a loser........

**Stupid e-thug cries coz he knows its true and responds by excessively swearing and making racist comments**

by Matthew U. November 7, 2005

232👍 78👎