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For people that can't spell agree correctly.

Girl: I love watching videos on YouTube.

Boy: I argee with you.

by Matthew678 January 10, 2019

Fudge you

A way of saying f**k you without swearing.

Mike: You're a dumb crap!
Bob: Fudge you!

by Matthew678 April 4, 2019

3👍 3👎


Not only crap is a swear word or just an impolite word, it can also be a euphemism for sh*t.

What is this crap?!

by Matthew678 March 18, 2019


Used by people who feel like swearing but without actually swearing by using rooster as a synonym for cock.

That idiotic roostersucker wouldn't move out of my flippin' way!

by Matthew678 February 12, 2019

For heck's sake

Just like for fuck's sake but way less offensive.

Give me my freakin' iPhone back for heck's sake!

by Matthew678 January 9, 2019


Can also be used as a replacement for ass when you don't want to swear.

I will kick your alps!

by Matthew678 May 16, 2019


A euphemism for c*nt when you don't want to swear.

Shut the fudge up you coot!

by Matthew678 May 17, 2019