When one puts an item of clothing, eg a T-Shirt, over ones stomach to catch any stray spoog when knocking one out.
My girlfriend didn't suspect a thing until she found my used Jizz bib under the sofa. She had to tear it off the upholstery.
24π 10π
The accidental act of crushing ones nuts. This can be done by either sitting down when they are nestled directly between the thighs, or wearing ones trousers too tight.
"Sorry boss, won't be in today. Got on my bike drunk last night, slipped and suffered a cluster buster."
8π 47π
An expression hollered by all Americans and other exciteable types in moments of sheer exhilaration.
The 'Cobra': "At last I am getting a transfer away from this piss poor club that doesn't even own it's own stadium. YEE DOGSY!!"
6π 5π
If you are especially pleased by something (be it a person, object or event) you may exclaim 'double dice!'
Similar to dice only more so.
Woman: "I would like to take a toot on your trouser trumpet"
Man: "Double Dice!!"
11π 9π
when ur cuddling ur girl and her hair gets all in your mouth, and you make a silly face and splutter like a cat.
i was lying in bed with suzie when her hair went in my mouth, it gave me a really bad catmouth
2π 8π
"Christ, that shit was heavy. I nearly split me dung button."
5π 2π
a situation,event or an object that may have contributed to bizzare behaviour exibited by others.
If a gentleman were to tear a newspaper up into hundreds of pieces and then proceed to eat them, it may be because he is 'whacked out on goof balls'.
Of course, he may just be a mentalist but that's another story
19π 80π