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to smoke any form of marijuana, usually when doing it amoungst a group of people.

I was shmiggin' out of a bowl last night.

lets shmig this gram right now

by Max Bamberger October 13, 2005

22👍 13👎

Duct Tape Trick

The act of wrapping duct tape around a hamster, than painfully having sexual relations with it. the duct tape is necessary to avoid any potential full-body hamster splitting

John: "When enjoying my glass of brandy just yestermonth, I thought of a swell idea."
Thomas: "Do tell, John."
John: "T'was what I call the duct tape trick! Yes, Rofus and I are quite happy together."
Thomas: "Needless to say you must have been quite inebriated when you decided this John"
John: "I concur."

by Max Bamberger December 2, 2005

71👍 58👎


made popular by Al Pacino in Scarface, "mang" is the term for "man", but skewed into sounding like "mang" when said with the cuban accent of "Tony Montana"

"fuuhck you mang!"

"It helps me sleep go at night mang."

by Max Bamberger October 20, 2005

1055👍 340👎