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poontangry (poon tang ree) ADJECTIVE. Hostile female sexuality, with lots of biting, scratching, slapping and swearing.

Jimmy- What the fuck is the matter with Ava? I tried to get close to her and at first she kisses back and sighs like she's really into it. Then she starts swearing and smacking me and using her claws! It turned into a hatefuck. I have never seen anybody that poontangry.

Paul- Oh, yeah, she's like that. She can be very wrathful. That's normal for her. So I guess you told her to screw off, huh?

Jimmy- Hells no. Even a withered old poontangry hatefuck is better than no fuck at all.

by Maxhole June 22, 2009

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bimbonetics (bim boh net iks) NOUN. The science or manufacture of artificially stupid women.

My God, are all the Ford girls that dumb? Their dad must be doctor of bimbonetics.

by Maxhole June 19, 2009

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snaptious (snap shuss) ADJECTIVE. Likely to bite or snap at anything.

That kitten attacks anything that moves. My hands are completely shredded, but I can't stay mad because he's so cute. He's a snaptious little snodgepocker.

by Maxhole June 23, 2009

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payhole (pey hole) NOUN. A body orifice used to earn money, i.e. a mouth, vagina, anus, nostrils or ears.

Dick- Oh, stick it in your payhole, Jane.

Jane- Which one?

Dick- How many payholes do you have?

Jane- Seven.

Dick- WTF?! You do not!

Jane- (counting off her fingers.) Pussy is one, asshole is two, mouth is three, right ear is four, left ear is five, right nostril is six, left nostril makes seven.

Dick- How much do you charge for a nostrilfuck?

Jane- Right or left?

Dick- is there a difference?

Jane- Righty tighty, lefty loosey, as daddy used to say.

Dick- Your daddy is a sick fuck.

Jane- That must be why I'm with you, Dick.

Dick- You know how much I hate it when you're smarter than me.

Jane- OHHHH, so that's why you're always trying to fuck my brains out. And I thought you liked me.

Dick- Get real. I'm only with you because you give great nose. C'mere, you.

(snorting noises, laughter)


Jane- I do what I can.

Dick- I want to take you home to meet Mom.

Jane- What's she like?

Dick- Well, her left nostril is a lot bigger than her right one...

by Maxhole June 21, 2009

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unintellectual (un in tel ek shu el) NOUN.

1. The opposite of intellectual.

2. A person who favors rash, smash-and-bash action, but has no escape plan.

3. A person suffering from frontal lobe damage or fetal alcohol effect.

4. An idiotic person who misleads smarter people.

For the last eight years, unintellectuals ran this country into the ground.

They trashed the military, science, schools and the economy while sneering at proven experts as elitists.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give brains a chance.

by Maxhole June 25, 2009

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facthole (fakt hole) NOUN. A place where information goes, never to return.

I told you a dozen times before and you forgot like you always do, you senile facthole!

by Maxhole June 20, 2009

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hagazine (hag uzz een) NOUN. A magazine for or about ugly old women.

Me - Everyone in that rag is a withered old crone from Orange County with five facelifts and three dead husbands. Yer creepin' me out, girl. Why are you reading that hagazine?

Her - Shut up, I'm doing my anthropology homework on early humans.

by Maxhole June 21, 2009

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