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Phlegmocrat (flem oh krat) NOUN. An especially lazy or slimy Democrat.

When Feinstein was a city supervisor, she got the mayor's job because he was assassinated.

While mayor of San Francisco, her husband owned a fuckton of rental property downtown, and quadrupled his net worth. Her money more than doubled.

Now that she's on the Senate Committees on defense, intelligence and homeland security, her husband's company has all these Iraq and Afghanistan construction projects. She votes with Republicans for war to send more money to her hubby.

She oozed her way into office and nothing sticks to her protective coating of slime.

She's not a Democrat, she's a Phlegmocrat.

by Maxhole June 22, 2009

5👍 1👎


squorp (skworp) NOUN. The squishing, bubbling sound of a boot pulled from a mudhole.

"Every few seconds the sow would shudder and 'squorp,' out would pop another piglet like a melon seed.

by Maxhole June 19, 2009

5👍 2👎


Representatard (rep re zen tuh tard) NOUN. An extraordinarily stupid member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Minnesota’s Michelle Bachmann is a prime example of a representatard. Here are a few quotes.

On gay marriage: “This is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, 30 years. I am not understating that.” — Michelle Bachmann, on “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 20, 2004.

On what will happen if her same-sex marriage ban amendment fails to pass in 2004: “It isn’t that some gay will get some rights. It’s that everyone else in our state will lose rights. For instance, parents will lose the right to protect and direct the upbringing of their children. Because our K-12 public school system, of which 90 percent of all youth are in the public school system, they will be required to learn that homosexuality is normal, equal and perhaps you should try it. And that will occur immediately, that all schools will begin teaching homosexuality.” -Bachmann, on “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 6, 2004.

"They look at this administration, and in the name of economic stimulus, they saw that this current liberal administration has legislation that is overflowing with wasteful government spending. And they might have heard about one of these wasteful projects. It is a brand new, billion-dollar high speed train that is going to go from Disneyland up to Las Vegas. A billion dollars of a widow's money to go to pay for a brand new ride essentially from Disneyland to Las Vegas. Harry Reid, the Senator from Nevada, was behind this measure, and it makes us wonder, is he more interested in making sure kids start gambling at younger ages?"

"Pelosi is committed to her global warming fanaticism to the point where she has said that she's just trying to save the planet. We all know that someone did that over 2,000 years ago, they saved the planet -- we didn't need Nancy Pelosi to do that."

"Many teenagers that come in should be paying the employer because of broken dishes or whatever occurs during that period of time. But you know what? After six months, that teenager is going to be a fabulous employee and is going to go on a trajectory where he's going to be making so much money, we'll be borrowing money from him." —Michelle Bachmann, 1/26/05, explains why teens should pay employers for the privilege of working instead of receiving minimum wage.

"I had high heels on and I just couldn't stand anymore. I was not in the bushes." -Bachman on why she was hiding in the bushes spying on a gay rights rally.

by Maxhole June 22, 2009

17👍 9👎


dubm (dub um) ADJECTIVE.

1. A deliberate misspelling of the word “dumb,” meaning worse than stupid; intentional idiocy.

2. Any deliberate, spectacularly miserable failure masked as “mission accomplished.” From the presidential nickname, “Dubya” and “dumb.”

Larnie- I am not dumb, you are the one who is dumb, 'D-U-B-M' spells dumb.

Nick- Uh, Larnie, "D-U-B-M" spells "dubbum."

Larnie- (thinking) ...I hate you.

Nick- Sorry, gotta go, I hear your wife calling! Be sure to write when you learn how! Hey, guess what everybody, Larnie says I'm dubm!

Everybody- Huh?

by Maxhole June 25, 2009

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gavelmonkey (gav el mung kee) NOUN. An incompetent, stupid and bigoted judge.

Did you hear the Supreme Court just ruled that convicts don't have a right to DNA testing, even if they pay for it themselves! What a bunch of gavelmonkeys!

by Maxhole June 20, 2009

7👍 1👎

King George the Turd

King George the Turd (jorj thuh turd) NOUN. George Walker Bush, 43rd president of the United States. See also, "Turd Reich."

This country is a scatocracy, the biggest shits rise to the top. That's how we wound up with King George the Turd.

by Maxhole June 20, 2009

150👍 39👎

Christian Reich

Christian Reich (kris tian ryke) NOUN. The fanatics who claim that Jesus Christ is pro-death penalty, in favor of greed, torture and filling the Holy Land with corpses and radioactive waste. Christian ideology using Nazi tactics.

Another abortion clinic just got bombed by the Christian Reich.

by Maxhole June 19, 2009

54👍 14👎