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Dimitar S. Ivanov

A God who walks among men, a true masterpiece in the shell of a human being.

He enjoys movies and likes siding with the morally ambiguous or just "evil" characters.

During the course of his life he has had many names. Such as Mitko which soke of his friends use, "The Wardrobe" a nickname given to him because of his big and strong body, "Milko" is what women call him because he is like chocky milk and last but not least "That dude everyone knows but no one likes".

You should be grateful to have heard of his glorious name.

"Did you hear about that guy with an awful sense of humour? I think his name starts with a D"
"Are you talking about Dimitar S. Ivanov?"

by Maz Chigurh November 21, 2021