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Whip Dog

A male who is whipped(on a leash) by his girlfriend. Thats the whip part. The dog is if he is still your nigga but hangs with his gurl alot.

Originated by M.Dog(speakin da thuth) towards MC Behan. Although everything has changed and M.doggie is the true Whip dog

J:Yo where gonna go to a party ,fuck bitchs like antoine cromartie, drink beers make fun of queers, play some flip cup, get are tips suck, you down?

M: mossing wit da wife bro

J: Dis mafucka is such a Whip dog, (hang up da phone)

A, J, M, nuff niggas: What are mans saying tonight

M: Wifes mossing over

A, J, M, nuff niggas: WHIPDOGGGGGG!!!!!!!

by Mc.Cabe HPN May 25, 2011

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