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NewYark is a place where everyone famous goes. But there are a hundred other cities I would rather go to first, than New Yark. No problemo - say what ever you want about them - NewYarkers are too busy being famous to read sites with word things.

NewYarkers are very proud of his achievements - he is the king of those word things

by McKenna from the Hall April 13, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Bejer - same as a Jejer but they don't hide away in a quiet Mews after living off the permissive society in their youth - they cash in Bigtime and head straight to Byron Bay.

1st person :
I've never seen so many single Bejer's than last time I visited Byron. Especially that Kings Cross one.
2nd Dude: Yeah that Bejer certainly was no Jejer ‘¿!?

by McKenna from the Hall February 27, 2021


A Jejer is someone who resides at a <JEJ> a hideout in a Mews in a quiet neighbourhood. Hiding out from a permissive youth - but in the end are always left so alone... B. Dylan.

"I'd like to see her at that <JEJ> but in the end a Jejer is a Jejer and we will possibly just argue about all the Jejers in her past."

by McKenna from the Hall February 26, 2021


Acronym for Junkies Escape Joint - as in finally getting loose of trash friends and lifestyle.

It took a long time but I fimally tracked her down to a JEJ in Drysdale.

by McKenna from the Hall October 28, 2020

8πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Walk Like Daryl

Walk Like Daryl.
Do the survivor's walk. Strut about like Daryl from The Walking Dead. The walk should suggest an aire of freedom - that maybe you don't own a car - don't want to, nor a peddle bike - but you might own a motorcycle and a crossbow.

Me: Did you get an eyeball at Daisy's friend?

Alter ego: I saw her go up Main and down Chapel with a Walk like Daryl.

Listening in Dude: so what are you doing to keep fit during Covid?
Me: A Walk Like Daryl.

by McKenna from the Hall April 16, 2020

Walk Like Daryl

Walk Like Daryl.
Do the survivor's walk. Strut about like Daryl from The Walking Dead. The walk should suggest an aire of freedom - that maybe you don't own a car - don't want to, nor a peddle bike - but you might own a motorcycle and a crossbow.

Me: Did you get an eyeball at Daisy's friend?

Alter ego: I saw her go up Main and down Chapel with a Walk like Daryl.

Listening in Dude: so what are you doing to keep fit during Covid?
Me: A Walk Like Daryl.

by McKenna from the Hall April 16, 2020


Disdecadence. This is where monumental disasters occur every twenty years. Ok - well I was thinking count back basically every 20 years and you get a world changing disaster. 9-11, Thatcher then AIDS from 1980, Kennedy ass. 1963, WW11, 1939, Spanish Flu 1918-1920, caused by the great war, Boer War, 1899 then 1880 and on down into history.

Was the North Dakota Indian War 1862 part of the Disdecadence?

by McKenna from the Hall April 13, 2020