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person (man or woman) who strongly believes that the intellectual abilities of a person of feminine gender are comparable to those of a person of male gender and therefore women should be rewarded by equal (to men) social success and appreciation. Extrapolating further on this idea, a feminist is a person who believes that a woman who is gifted with high intelligence, has a strong intellectual foundation / background and exceptional interest and experience CAN take on social roles and responsibilities that previously were thought of as roles that only male gender persons can fulfill. "Social roles" meaning: contributing to the development of science and research (in fields such as physics, chemistry, economy etc), participating in decision making for large social communities (in roles of mayor, senator, governor etc.), participating in the media in a moral and dignified manner (persons of female gender were priorly represented by entertainment especially in scandalous attires for the entertainment of the public) along with the belief that the voiced opinion of a woman who is expert in an area should certainly weight more than the opinion of a person of male gender who is mildly familiar with the topic.

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Misinterpretations of the term 'FEMINIST':
Feminist = men hater. This is a confusion that occurs often in nature. Hating of men as a group, or generally hating a social group that presents a particular common trait (such as gender, color, belief, practice, hobby) constitutes a type of behavior which is known as discrimination. The term 'feminist' has positive connotations and thus is a term that differs and has nothing in common with the expression 'men hater.'

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Misconception regarding the term 'feminist' = feminist means striving to achieve equality of men and women BUT on a social level. "Equality" in this context, means allowing the women to perform work that she can rightfully perform and rewarding women with the credit and respect due and commensurate to their respective intellectual abilities and work effort. Stating that 'women should pay for dinner just as men do' do not make the domain of what the term 'feminist' means. The process of romantic courtship as it is present in nature in most animal species involves the male gender individual performing certain rituals and displays of his physical qualities and his social power in order to advertise himself to female gender individuals as a good potential father (genetically, as well as in terms of his ability of caring for the offspring until they reach adulthood.) Therefore behaviors and displays that pertain to what constitutes "romantic courtship" have nothing to do with that which the term "feminism" describes. As "feminism" is a term that qualifies a woman from a purely intellectual and mental ability stand point.

In the light of misinterpreting the statement "feminism = women equality to men" we could ask a man and woman to perform a same physically strenuous task. It is expected and normal that a man would be more successful due to the more robust and rugged built of the male body.

FEMINISM -> does not argue with the laws of nature, it argues for an alteration of the outdated laws of a society.

Mike is convinced that Clinton could be a better president than either Obama or McCain. I knew that Mike was very avidly following politics but now it appears without a doubt and in an unplanned manner that he is a bit of a feminist as well.

by MeIz Anonymous June 13, 2008

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