Linux is NOT an OS (Operating System). Linux is the actual kernel from which the platformed distribution runs and obtains directions. The Linux kernel is an open source system which falls under the GNU General Public license. In essence, Linux is a compressed, open source platform of UNIX. The actual OS's (distributions or flavors) are gentoo, red hat, unbuntu, slackware (Although very similar to straight UNIX), mandrake, arch, debian, mandriva, etc.
The Linux kernel was designed and constructed by Linus Torvalds to provide a free, open source kernel for all computer lovers.
i.e. Microsoft XP is an OS. Microsoft also has a kernel which makes it run. Linux is the actual kernel for distributions like S.u.S.E. etc.
1. Hey, do you use Linux?
- What?
2. Hey, do you use Linux?
- I love that OS
You're stupid.
3. Hey, do you use Linux?
- Yes, why yes I do.
Righto, Chap. Well done.
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