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pissy surprise

An act that involves penetrating an anus during anal sex while wearing a condom. You then whisper in your partner's ear, "I have a surprise," and scream while pissing in the condom and inflating it inside your partner's rectum. You then take your penis out of their rectum, tie the condom up like a balloon and press the tied end all the way in.

"I have a surprise."
"No. No no no."

by MeatPopsicle69 April 1, 2021

Alabama Sprinkler

A sex act that involves pushing a man's penis into the intake hole of a siphon and pumping the siphon, thus sucking him off. When he cums, the other partners kids run through the cum like a garden sprinkler

I had a hot date with my cousin last weekend. We went back to her place and she gave me the old Alabama Sprinkler.

by MeatPopsicle69 May 31, 2021