Folks on the internet who think they've become expert on something by watching a few YouTube videos, but have no actual knowledge, experience, or critical thinking skills of their own, ESPECIALLY when they reject "traditional" bodies of knowledge or schooling in favor of the long, rambling videos to which they've become addicted.
You can't - and I cannot stress this enough, CANNOT - win an argument with someone that is "YouTube smart".
Example exclamations from this crowd include:
Flat Earther: "At least she is smart enough to know that 5 gallons of water can't spin on a basketball at 1000 mph" and "It's called atmospheric refraction. Research Flat Earth"
Delusional Tightwad: "I'm a sovereign citizen, you have no right to impound my car or arrest me - hey, hey, ow! Let me GO, ow OW!"
And any of: "Alex Jones said fill in ridiculous claims here shouted in an angry, gravelly voice before trying to sell you vitamins!"
Dude, seriously, give up ... Dale is YouTube smart, his kids will have polio and HPV before he'll let that doctor give them autism-by-vaccination!
Fuck You If You Disagree *
a) To "gently" persuade someone that your opinion matters more than theirs. Which of course it does.
b) A way to end a futile attempt to lift the awareness of the obviously ill-informed person with whom you're interacting (e.g., an asshat, buttmunch, fucktard, or similar).
* Usually used online during intellectual discourse, but rare instances have been discovered in letters involving spats between romantic partners (see white trash).
(we join the following conversation already in progress)
aaron: STFU! my gf's hot, and all y'alls moms are ugly, skanky hoes. FUIUD!!
fred: yer mom ain't winnin any prizes either, dude
don: hang on - yo, take that out of your mouth and look up at me. I'll have to disagree - except for the lazy eye, aaron's mom is bangin' ...
fred: lol
nerf: lol
aaron: fuck off
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