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1. Smarter than Republicans...Sort of...(ok not much)
2. Liberal
3. Republican enemy #1

Don't listen to him hes a Democrat
--Republican father's words to his son.
cerca 2000-2004

by Mediaptera December 25, 2004

196👍 1517👎


The same as sense 2, except rather than a medical procedure, it may occur due to a unique antibody response in a very small percentage of the population when their children do not have the same blood type.
wrong. only occurs when an RH+ female has an RH- child.
2) something that republicans oppose as part of thier party platform.

There have been more abortions in Bush's first 4 years than there were in Clinton's 8 years and the first 30 presidents combined.

by Mediaptera February 16, 2005

33👍 55👎


An education "PLAN" by Bush, that cuts funding of underperforming schools. what is underperforming? a school with test results under 100%. Schools with test results of 100%:

Schools with test results under 100%:
All of them.
Children Left Behind:
Children benifiting
Results of NCLB
USA 49th in literacy
High School diploma as good as toilet paper in landing a job.

by Mediaptera February 16, 2005

244👍 62👎


an oxymoronic religon stating that there is a forgiving god, so its followers have to be unforgiving to people of other religons because the know that their god won't.

got that? if not siplified: STAY BACK JEW GAY ETC. but your always welcome in our church.

by Mediaptera January 3, 2005

72👍 93👎


Actually,it's not based on rules and restrictions.It's rule is love"
just so much as its loving someone of the opposite sex but same religon/denomination. so for people of the lower IQ:
its loving people of the same everything except genitals.

CHRISTIANITY: just another vauge oxymoron

by Mediaptera January 3, 2005

37👍 71👎


1. One of multiple religions. Christianity has many sub-christian groups with varrying titles, but centering around the idea of Jesus Christ, son of man dying on a cross to repent for humanity's naturally sinful nature. Christian belief also involves the art of baptism, prayer, and referring to the bible. Christians are commonly viewed as "good" people and is one of the largest religions on the planet earth. Christians also believe the basic idea that if they have faith in their god they will go to heaven or a place of eternal euphoria, if they are wicked or deny their god, they will be sent to hell, or as the bible refers as a lake of burning sulfur. Based around fear of an omniscient entity along with many, but not all religions, involving the idea of a God, heaven, and hell.

2.(Short-version) A Christian is a man who repents on Sunday for what he did on Saturday and will do again on Monday.

That man is a Christian.

Atleast that Christian man is sorry.You do the same except you're not even sorry.So you're criticizing him for being sorry?"

sorry dont mean shit if he's gonna do it again tomorrow. atleast other people who dont say there sorry or confess have come to terms that there going to do it again and aren't lying to themselves, and there minister/pastor etc.

by Mediaptera January 4, 2005

17👍 62👎