To heal. A word resurrected from obsolescence for Ultimate Victory in the Information War.
I'm building a war chest of medicine with which to warish the world. (War is short for warish.)
To be semper fidelis. Describes one who is perfectly faithful, loyal, and true. Denotes one who renders righteousness with perfect fidelity. Term borne of the information war.
David is the Truest Gentleman I know; he's fidel af!
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a MKULTRA term used to scare Targeted Individuals, perhaps into perpetrating crimes.
Some guy came on my voice-to-skull and was, like, "I am targeting you with 'murderkill.' I was, like, "wtf is 'murderkill?' and he's like, "I'm gonna come and stab ya."
to kill murder. to murder killing. a field maneuver that eradicates a evil especially using emerging information and communication technologies. a MKULTIMATE term inspired by MKULTRA's 'murderkill' from the Targeted Individual program.
Some guy came on my voice-to-skull and was, like, "Hey, TI: I am targeting you with murderkill. I'm coming to stab ya!" And I was, like, "Cool story, Bro. I am targeting you with MurderKill in the style of the 21st Century."
The New United States Ultimate Classified Security Clearance Level. A MKULTIMATE password for when gaslit nitwits from the 20th Centuries behave on MKULTRA full-field scrambled-eggs principles of classified bullshit.
I went into the chaplain's office to run clerical on my GangStalk MurderKill GasLIGHT Obsecration OrDERs, and the cleric was, like, "Welcome to GoodBurger, Home of the GoodBurger. Can I take your order...?" And I was, all, "I need one GoodBurger, hold the greasy-ass, sleazy-ass, cheesy-ass, square-ass,, big-forehead-ass, bad-whopper-ass, dumbass cheeseburgers. Do you need to check my security clearance level? How about Medium-Rare, With a Side of Grilled Asparagus Spears and a Baked Sweet Potato? I'll also have a giant tub of spaget, a grilled gruyere cheese sandwich, and, literally, fucking ANYTHING BUT SCRAMBLED EGGS!" And the cleric was, like, "Sounds like you're privy to some classified shit. So The Fuck OrDERED; So Mote It The Fuck Be. A Fucker Men. Praise The Lord God Almighty."
a MKULTIMATE NLP System inspired by MKULTRA gangstalking. a worldwide program for Ultimate Victory wherein the entire gang, all of humanity, Gangs Up, One Gang. the use of emerging communication and information technologies to win hearts and minds and force Freedom Forever in America around the world.
If only these 20th-centuries, useful-idiot gangstalking perps knew how to GangStalk; I'm about to Gang Up, One Gang, and GangStalk the motherfucker plain refruited. I saw what you did. I'm comin' for ya. I'm coming to GangStalk that ass.