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An 05’, or to pull an 05’ is a violent criminal act committed by an individual with a criminal history shortly after a martyr has been created.

Lawd Jesus, that boy almost murdered that po pregnant girl just like ole George Floyd did after he done got out prison in 05’.

by Mega Hemroids June 8, 2020

Ohio Brussel Sprouts

Ohio Brussel Sprouts is the act of sucking small round food items (ideally large grapes or Brussel sprouts) out of your partners anus.

Liz stuffed a bag of skittles in her ass and made me do Ohio Brussel Sprouts. All I can taste is fruity shit.

by Mega Hemroids July 5, 2023

Baby Flush

After you cum in your girls pussy and she pisses your baby gravy out in the toilet, the act of “Baby Flush” is taunting your potential kids as she flushes them down.

Bro 1: Rachel is such a cunt. She pissed out my load and laughed at my swimmers.

Bro 2: Shit man, That’s a baby flush. Nicole does that every time.

by Mega Hemroids August 13, 2019

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The Topeka Fly Trap

The act of catching a common housefly, ripping off its wings and using it for sexual pleasure by laying in a warm bath with the water level just below your penis tip, setting the wingless fly on the penis tip and letting it panic and run free, stimulating your penis into ejaculation, inevitably drowning the fly in your cum. Not to be confused with the Arlington Biter or the Mikes Hard Semenade which use a horse fly and a wasp in place of a housefly.

Remember that fly that was buzzing around the kitchen? I gave him The Topeka Fly Trap.

by Mega Hemroids September 3, 2020

Good Humor

The act of fucking your partner and making her suck your penis clean after, followed by a cheesy one liner joke much like the ones that used to be printed on Good Humor popsicle sticks.

Also Cherry Creamsicle the act of doing so when she is on her period and Fudgesickle the act of doing it analy.

After I fucked Karla I stuffed my cock in her ballwasher and gave her a Good Humor. As she swallowed I said “No respect. No respect I tell ya”.

by Mega Hemroids August 13, 2019

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A Jewish woman’s titties.

You ever suck Monica Lewinski’s Joobs?

by Mega Hemroids November 5, 2020


Lappies; Lappys; Lappiez; Lapper; Lappee:

The act of giving a male on male lap dance. In British English (Lappys) this can be used to reference both homosexual and heterosexual lap dances. Not to be confused with Lappiez, which is the act of a female on female lap dance. Most lappies involve both a lapper and a lappee however, varying numbers of either party can be involved (though most often this results in a Florida Orangutan or a Trailer Park Recital.)

The fuck is Mike doing? Is he!?!? He is! That sumbich fagot is giving Lappies!!!

by Mega Hemroids October 28, 2021