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Butterfly fairies

Fairies that have different coloured wings. They are mistaken for butterflies.

I was walking outside and I saw some yummy butterfly fairies colours butterfly pretty

by Meggymoo4447 May 4, 2016

Fuck boy

Fuck boys come in many different shapes and sizes. But at the end of the day they are still a fuck boy. It might be hard to tell if you are talking to a fuck boy so below are signs you should leave his ass

1. He asks for nudes
2.he makes plans but cancels at the last minute

3.he tells you he is not like other guys
4. He rights 420 in his Instagram bio

5. He sends you random dick pics
6. Only communicates through text messages

7. Wants to play 21 questions (it's a trap to see if you are a virgin)

8.flirts with other girls

Here are things a fuck boy would say

"You Whanna vape?"
"What's your bra size?"
"Whanna play 21 questions"
"Your getting in the shower without me?"
"I'm not like other guys"
"Whanna Netflix and chill?"
"Bros before hoes"
There's many more things a fuck boy would say. Stay safe and don't send nudes :)
twat dick vape

by Meggymoo4447 May 4, 2016