Source Code


Set in a war-ravaged 2131, the film's story centers on Deunan, a female soldier who is rescued from the violent ruins of an old city and taken to Olympus, a utopian metropolis. She is reunited with her former partner and lover, Briareos, who has been turned into a cyborg after sustaining a critical battle injury. Olympus is a complex society, a mixture of humans and the near-indistinguishable cybernetic human clones, with both sides locked in a constant power struggle. Deunan and Briareos are soon entangled in a desperate struggle to prevent a plot that threatens to destroy the delicate balance of power and bring about a terrible war between the two races. The film uses a new animation style known as "3D Live Anime."
Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Animation
Running Time: 1 hr. 43 min.
Release Date: January 14th, 2005 (limited).
MPAA Rating: R for some violence.
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment

Man, if you like computer animated movies, you should rent Appleseed.

by Meison July 21, 2005

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