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Mommy kink

Sexual/romantic attraction for women who care for you, protect you, and nurture you, and love you unconditionally. Sometimes she may baby you, but you're nuts for that shit. You just love it when she holds you when you're scared of the dark, and when she caresses your hair and your cheeks followed by a kiss on the forehead as she pulls you into her warm, loving arms, giving you a mouthful of her wonderful boobies. Even a simple hug from her makes everything better; you're safe from anything that could ever hurt you.

Omg! I hate it when my gf mommies me, I'm not five damnit! GOD
WHAT?! How?! I LOVE it when she protects me like I'm her little baby. Drives me mad! Soooo sexy
.......lmao u got a mommy kink?

by Melodramatic909 September 20, 2017

2119👍 100👎


The act of developing feelings for one of your best friends in the world when you’ve got an absolute 0.000% chance of being with them. This person loves you as much as a friend could possibly love you, but it never quite crosses over to the romantic side! It’s absolute hell, especially because this person shows you soooo much love and if you’re a petty lil bitch, you’ll think they’re leading you on simply because they just care for you constantly. Get that shit out of ur head- remember who you’re dealing with here! Then one day, you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror like you have 84 heads, and you ask yourself what the actual fuck you’re thinking because dating this person would be like dating your sibling....and that’s disgusting- it’s literally incest! Essentially, youve got your head jammed so far up your own ass you can see the light of day thru your own nostrils. If it’s meant to be, something will happen, but if it’s not, love this person truly for what they give you each and every: an incredible friendship. Do not let the sadness of not having them keep you from enjoying the friendship. Oh an also, remember to give them the same best friend love they give you. I’m not fucking kidding. This is so important.

Best of luck to you all, I hope you stop mentally masturbating soon! Cheers

Me: ahhh I can’t believe this! She’s my best friend and I just can’t keep myself from falling in love with her. She’s so warm and kindhearted and she gives the best hugs...

Friend: GURL. She’s ur bff that’s literally friendcest. Fuck the feelings, focus on the amazing friendship!

Me: ugh ur right. I love her too much for this shit anyway

Friend: damn right you do. And she loves the living daylight out of you too

by Melodramatic909 March 3, 2018


The act of developing feelings for one of your best friends in the world when you’ve got an absolute 0.000% chance of being with them. This person loves you as much as a friend could possibly love you, but it never quite crosses over to the romantic side! It’s absolute hell, especially because this person shows you soooo much love and if you’re a petty lil bitch, you’ll think they’re leading you on simply because they just care for you constantly. Get that shit out of ur head- remember who you’re dealing with here! Then one day, you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror like you have 84 heads, and you ask yourself what the actual fuck you’re thinking because dating this person would be like dating your sibling....and that’s disgusting- it’s literally incest! Essentially, youve got your head jammed so far up your own ass you can see the light of day thru your own nostrils. If it’s meant to be, something will happen, but if it’s not, love this person truly for what they give you each and every: an incredible friendship. Do not let the sadness of not having them keep you from enjoying the friendship. Oh an also, remember to give them the same best friend love they give you. I’m not fucking kidding. This is so important.

Best of luck to you all, I hope you stop mentally masturbating soon! Cheers

Me: ahhh I can’t believe this! She’s my best friend and I just can’t keep myself from falling in love with her. She’s so warm and kindhearted and she gives the best hugs...

Friend: GURL. She’s ur bff that’s literally friendcest. Fuck the feelings, focus on the amazing friendship!

Me: ugh ur right. I love her too much for this shit anyway

Friend: damn right you do. And she loves the living daylight out of you too

by Melodramatic909 March 3, 2018