To eradicate a whole group of people. From Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith when Darth Palpatine ordered the genocide of all Jedi in order to ensure the Sith's possesion of the Republic.
"Damn our team just got Order 66'ed"
"He just got order 66'ed"
78👍 69👎
To eradicate a whole group of people. From Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith when Darth Sidious ordered the genocide of all Jedi in order to ensure the Sith's possesion of the Republic.
"Damn our team just got Order 66'ed"
"He just got order 66'ed"
Darth Sidious: Execute order sixty-six.
Clone General: It will be done, my Lord.
36👍 33👎